American Polydactyl kleuren

American Polydactyl Kleuren: The Ultimate Guide

If you are a cat lover or a breeder, you have probably heard of the American Polydactyl cats. With their big paws and adorable looks, they have been capturing the hearts of many for over a century. In this guide, we will dive into the different colors and variations of American Polydactyl cats to help you understand them better.

1. What is an American Polydactyl?

American Polydactyl cats are cats with extra toes on their paws. They are not a specific breed of cat, but a genetic trait that can be present in many breeds. The term Polydactyl comes from the Greek words “poly” meaning many and “daktylos” meaning digit. The American Polydactyl cats are so popular that they have their own breed club.

2. The History of American Polydactyl

The American Polydactyl cats are believed to have originated from Europe, and then they were brought to America by the colonists. It was said that they were favored on ships because their extra digits provided them with better balance in rough seas. In America, the cats were bred and became popular in coastal towns, where it is believed that they spread to the rest of the country.

3. The Different Colors of American Polydactyl

American Polydactyl cats come in various colors and patterns, just like any other breed. Some of the common colors include black, white, gray, calico, and tabby. Each color has different variations, making the American Polydactyl cats some of the most colorful and unique cats out there.

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4. Tuxedo American Polydactyl

A tuxedo cat is a bicolor cat with black and white coat patterns. Tuxedo American Polydactyl cats have a distinctive black and white coat, and they also have extra toes on their paws. Their toes are usually symmetrical, which makes them appear even more adorable.

5. Tabby American Polydactyl

The tabby cat is a breed that has a coat with stripes, dots, or swirling patterns. American Polydactyl cats can also be tabby, which makes them even more unique with their extra toes! The tabby pattern can come in different colors like gray, brown, and orange.

6. Calico American Polydactyl

Calico cats have a mix of white, black, and orange patches. Calico American Polydactyl cats are such a treasure to have in your home. They have long fur, unique patterns, and extra toes!

7. White American Polydactyl

White American Polydactyl cats are so adorable with their white coats and extra toes. They look like little snowflakes with their unique features.

8. Black American Polydactyl

Black American Polydactyl cats are just as charming as the other colors. They look like little ninjas with their sleek black fur and extra toes on their paws.

9. Ginger American Polydactyl

Ginger American Polydactyl cats have a coat with an orange hue. They are sometimes called “Marmalade Cats” because of their color. Their toes match their coat and are usually also orange, making them one of the cutest American Polydactyl color varieties.

10. Conclusion

As we have seen, American Polydactyl cats come in different colors and patterns. They make awesome house pets and are great with kids. With their extra toes, they are even more special and unique. These cats are known for their dexterity and agility, which makes them ideal for homes with lots of activities. As a breeder, it is essential to understand the different colors and characteristics of American Polydactyl cats in order to breed healthy and unique kittens.

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1. Can American Polydactyl cats have different temperaments depending on their colors?

No, the temperament of an American Polydactyl cat is not dependent on its color.

2. Can American Polydactyl cats live with other cats in the same household?

Yes, American Polydactyl cats will typically get along with other cats as long as they are socialized correctly.

3. Are American Polydactyl cats prone to any health issues?

No, American Polydactyl cats are generally healthy with no specific health issues linked to their extra toes.

4. Are American Polydactyl cats rare?

No, they’re not rare, but they’re not as common as other cats.

5. Should an American Polydactyl breeder focus on one color?

No, it’s not necessary to focus on one color as American Polydactyl cats come in various colors, and breeding for different colors can provide a more diverse gene pool.