Pixie-bob allergie

Pixie-bob allergie: Are You Allergic to Your Furry Friend?

Are you a cat lover but worried about allergens that can cause itching and sneezing? Do you have a special place in your heart for Pixie-bobs but fear their hypoallergenic qualities might be lacking? Worry not, dear reader, for in this article we will discuss everything you need to know about Pixie-bob allergie and how to manage it.

What is a Pixie-bob?

Pixie-bobs are hybrid cats that originated in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. They are a sturdy and muscular breed with distinctive lynx-tipped ears, bobbed tails, and large paws. Pixie-bobs come in various colors, patterns, and coat lengths, making them an attractive choice for cat lovers.

Do Pixie-bobs trigger allergies?

Pixie-bobs, like all cats, produce Fel d 1, a protein found in their saliva, skin, and urine, that can cause allergic reactions in humans. The severity of the allergy may vary from person to person depending on their immune system. Some people may experience mild symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, and itchy eyes, while others may have severe reactions like asthma attacks.

What are the symptoms of Pixie-bob allergie?

The symptoms of Pixie-bob allergie are similar to those of other cat allergies. They include:

– Sneezing
– Runny or stuffy nose
– Itchy or watery eyes
– Coughing
– Wheezing
– Skin rash or hives (if you come in contact with the cat’s skin)

Is there a way to test for Pixie-bob allergie?

Yes, you can get a skin prick test or a blood test from an allergist to determine if you are allergic to Pixie-bobs or any other cat breed. The skin prick test involves placing a small amount of cat allergen on your skin and pricking it with a needle. If you are allergic, you will develop a raised bump or hives in that area. The blood test checks for the presence of cat-specific IgE antibodies in your blood.

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How can you manage Pixie-bob allergie symptoms?

If you are allergic to Pixie-bobs, there are several ways to manage your symptoms:

– Limit your exposure to the cat. This may mean keeping the cat in a separate room or area of the house, or not allowing them in certain areas such as the bedroom.
– Use air purifiers with HEPA filters to reduce allergens in the air.
– Wash your hands after petting or handling the cat.
– Bathe the cat regularly to reduce dander and saliva buildup on their fur.
– Use medication such as antihistamines, decongestants, or allergy shots to manage your symptoms.

Can Pixie-bob allergie be prevented?

Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed way to prevent Pixie-bob allergie. However, some breeders claim that Pixie-bobs have a lower level of Fel d 1 protein than other cat breeds, which may make them less likely to trigger allergies.


Pixie-bobs are adorable and affectionate cats, but they may not be suitable for individuals with cat allergies. Managing Pixie-bob allergie requires a combination of measures, including limiting exposure to the cat, using air purifiers, and taking medication. If you are considering adopting a Pixie-bob, be sure to get tested for cat allergies beforehand.


1. Can Pixie-bobs cause severe allergic reactions?
Yes, some people may experience severe allergic reactions such as asthma attacks if they are allergic to Pixie-bobs.
2. Are Pixie-bobs hypoallergenic?
While some breeders claim that Pixie-bobs have a lower level of Fel d 1 protein than other cat breeds, they are not completely hypoallergenic.
3. Can you develop Pixie-bob allergie over time?
Yes, it is possible to develop cat allergies later in life, even if you had no previous issues.
4. Can children be allergic to Pixie-bobs?
Yes, children can develop Pixie-bob allergie if they are allergic to cats.
5. Are there any alternative cat breeds for individuals with allergies?
Yes, some cat breeds that produce less Fel d 1 protein include the Sphynx, Devon Rex, and Cornish Rex.